La FDA insiste sur la disponibilité des enregistrements
Dans une récente mise en demeure , l'inspection américaine met l'accent sur la disponibilité des enregistrements ou d'une copie de ceux-ci sur le site où les activités décrites dans ces enregistrements ont eu lieu. 21 CFR 211.180(c) requires all records under this part, or copies of such records, to be readily available for authorized inspection during the retention period at the establishment where the activities described in such records occurred. During our inspection you failed to provide the following records: records pertaining to batch production (21CFR211.188), records pertaining to equipment cleaning (21CFR211.67), and records regarding product stability testing (21CFR211.194). In fact, during the inspection your Vice President stated that your firm would not provide batch records, laboratory records, or product stability testing records for Triton Purrge Drops, (b)(4) and Biozide Gel. Plus d'informatio...