Une mise en demeure de la FDA pointe des défaillances sérieuses dans l'intégrité des données...
Un laboratoire indien a fait l'objet d'une importante mise en demeure dans laquelle sont mentionnés des manquements importants dans le respect des règles d'enregistrement des données : 1. Your firm failed to follow and document at the time of performance required laboratory control mechanisms (21 C.F.R. §211.160(a)). Our investigators found that laboratory analysts did not document the balance weights at the time of sample weighing. Specifically, sample weights used in calculations were created after the chromatographic runs. The analyst admitted that the sample weights that were represented as raw data from the analysis actually were backdated balance weight printouts produced after the analysis and generated for the notebooks. These sample weights were used to calculate related compounds and impurities used in support of method validations submitted in FDA drug applications. You submitted the data generated with the discrepancies above to the Agency