Deux nouvelles injonctions de l'US FDA mentionnent des écarts sur l'intégrité des données...
Pour ce fournisseur d'API tchèque : 1. Failure to prevent unauthorized access or changes to data, and to provide adequate controls to prevent manipulation and omission of data. Your quality control unit did not have basic controls to prevent changes to your electronically-stored laboratory data. Your analysts had user privileges to the Empower-2 system used to generate and analyze chromatographic data that allowed them to eliminate failing, atypical and satisfactory results with no notification; alter peak areas; and add or eliminate samples from sequences without authorization... Your quality unit must review all pertinent analytical data when making batch release decisions. However, your automated system permitted analysts to delete and alter test results without authorization. As a result, your quality unit was presented with incomplete and inaccurate information about the quality of your drugs. According to your response, you restricted access and permissions in th...