
Affichage des articles du mars, 2017

Scott Gottlieb nommé à la tête de la FDA...

Le président Trump a nommé récemment le Dr. Scott Gottlieb comme commissaire délégué à la US FDA ; plus d'information sur son profil ici .

Des écarts documentaires...

Des écarts documentaires pointés du doigt par l'US FDA dans deux injonctions récentes : 2.      Failure of your quality unit to prepare, review, and approve documents related to the manufacturing of API. On August 16, 2016, our investigators found a large number of trash bags behind a building on your property. The trash bags contained torn original laboratory and production record s, such as analytical test reports,  (b)(4)  water testing reports, and sample notebooks. The information on these discarded, torn documents did not match the official records. Your quality unit did not investigate these discrepancies. On August 18, 2016, when our investigators revisited the area where the trash bags had been, they found that the documents had been removed from the site. These findings indicate that your quality unit is not exercising its responsibilities... 3.        Failure of your quality unit to exercise its respon...

Ce fabricant d'API chinois pointé du doigt par l'US FDA...

Une seule remarque majeure dans cette "warning letter" pour ce fabricant chinois d'API : Failure to maintain complete data derived from all laboratory tests conducted to ensure compliance with established specifications and standards. Our investigators reviewed audit trails from various stand-alone pieces of laboratory equipment you used to perform high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) analyses. Our investigators found that you had deleted entire chromatographic sequences and individual injections from your stand-alone computers . For example, your written system suitability procedure for (b)(4) requires only six injections. However, your records showed that on January 5, 2016, you injected seven system suitability standards when performing system suitability for batch #(b)(4). The audit trail showed that the final standard injection was permanently deleted from the instrument’s computer . Your analyst told our investigator tha...