Manquements sur l'intégrité des données pour ce fabricant chinois...
Des remarques d'inspection de la US FDA mettent encore en cause les pratiques de "data and record management" pour ce fabricant chinois d'API : 1. Failure to have laboratory control records that include complete data derived from all laboratory tests conducted to ensure compliance with established specifications and standards. Your quality control laboratory failed to record and maintain complete data from analyses of your (b)(4) ( (b)(4) ) API. For example: Prior to conducting official analyses, your quality control laboratory performed “experimental” analyses on product batches to assess whether your API met specifications , but failed to document these “experimental” tests in official laboratory records or to justify their exclusion. Our investigator found the results of 2,404 high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) injections in a folder titled “Experimental” on instrument SZG-002-006l. Your quality unit indicated that th...