Encore un cas significatif de manquement aux "Good Documentation Practices"...
Ce laboratoire allemand qui dispose de deux sites en Inde a été mis en demeure par l'agence américaine notamment sur les écarts suivants : 1. Your firm failed to prepare batch production and control records for each batch of drug product that include documentation of the accomplishment of each significant step in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of the batch (21 CFR 211.188(b)). On August 28, 2014, FDA investigators identified instances of non-contemporaneous documentation of batch production activities. Two uncontrolled Excel spreadsheets were used to record discrepancies and certain in-process drug quality data . This data was initially missing in the batch manufacturing record. Your firm later entered this data into batch records and backdated them . 2. Your firm failed to maintain adequate written records of major equipment maintenance (21 CFR 211.182). On August 25, 2...