La société RALTUS présente les évolutions récentes de son logiciel ProcedureCapture
Ce qui suit est un extrait d'une communication de la société RALTUS Software :
"You can now control the level of step detail and imagery shown based on Risk and Step type (supporting, proving and non-proving). This allows the level of detail and degree of rigor of the testing script to be tailored to the risk.
We have also added the ability to use your own Word docs as the template basis for the outputs produced from execution whether this be in a paper or paperless environment. The benefit of this is that your validated outputs are exactly the same as your SOP's and are therefore consistent right across scripts.
Secondly, we have recently signed a number of customers to use our solution for validating their systems. These include companies such as Sonexus Health, Ranir, Volcano, ASO. We now have case study evidence which demonstrates that customers are reducing their time for script creation by about 40% and the effort to execute scripts by between 45-60% (dependent on whether they are using paperless execution or not).
Lastly, we are finalising the design functionality for release 9 and this will include the ability to manage and report on requirement specifications.
Our goal on this is to be the only tool which can be used right across the lifecycle and were you can manage requirements, create and execute test scripts (both paper and paperlessly) and sign electronically and do all this without having to purchase separate tools/licenses or additional electronic signature add-ons.
If you could be assist with the requirements questions, we would be delighted to hear from you. Lastly, some new CSV demos can be viewed, if you are interested at htm "